Monday, 20 January 2014


Para homoseksualistów
Photo From Vanguard

Canada cancels President Goodluck Jonathan's Visit.

The dust that was raised by  the  Nigeria's President,  assent prohibiting Same Sex Marriage , had reasonanced in the diplomatic circle yesterday as it Emerged that Canada had CANCELLED President Goodluck Jonathan's State visit! The cancellation was describe as a reaction to President Goodluck jonathan's decision to give assent to Same sex Marriage Prohibition  Bill  2003, which penalized Homosexuality partnership in Nigeria. Nigeria special Adviser on political Affairs, Alhaji Gulak vehementely critised the US and Canada for not respecting Nigeria's Cultural and religious Position on this in-thing Same Sex Marriage.

According to him, He did not see how Homosexuality partnership will enhance Nigeria Socioeconomic and  Technological advancement. Nigeria being Cutural and Strong religious Country, he think this idea CAN never sell in or integrate in Nigeria's Environment. Canadian Goverments claimed that since 7th, of january 2014 when his law was passed , over 30 people have been arrested, and more are on the line!  
Can western pressure compel Nigeria and other African countries to accept this Homosexual partnership?

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