Sunday, 20 October 2013


Finally, the york was broken penultimate week with the sharing of  N1.196 TRILLION by the three tiers of Government for the month of August and september. To many Nigerians, this had really showcased a rethorical question of ' Is Nigeria in problem'?Professional Speaking, Nigeria is among the fastest growing economies,  a mono-economy, with an expanding communication, Financial, services and entertainment sectors. It is ranked largest within Africa ( behind South Africa) on track to becoming one of the 20 largest economies by 2020. Nigeria's GDP at purchasing power parity (PPP) $451Billion in 2012, GDP per capita $2,800 in 2012. This economy looks good professional. Bu,t the grey part of the issue is Corruption (political corruption).
This is a country where the salaries of the Congressmen (NATIONAL ASSEMBLY)  is not known, just  lagos and kano can pay or generate their own monies without running to the Central Government for their monthly stipen. which country can stand with this kind of system. Educational sector is in shamble, The Health sector is something else. in some Hospitals in Nigeria patients are ask to pay for syringes and other stuff which are not supposed to. Non of the Nigeria's political elites can patronize Hospital's in Nigeria.
The question is where will Nigeria be when her oil dries-up or rather when her major oil buyer (the U.S) finally developes her shale-oil??

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