Nigeria is under-going review of her constitution, the nation's supreme law. The present Nigeria's constitution came into being in 1999 due to transition from Military to Civilian Administration. 1999 CONSTITUTION AS AMENDED has 8 chapters, 320 sections and schedules(First- Seventh)
The legislative powers of the Federal Republic of Nigeria shall be vested in a National Assembly for the Federation whaich shall consisit of a senate and a House of Representatives.( chapter1, general Provisions, part 2, section 4-(1))
There are 3 unacceptable issues in this constitution review that Nigerians felt that was imposed on THEM BY NATIONAL ASSEMBLY namely: MARRIAGE AGE UNDER 18YEARS, 2.GRANTING LIFE-PENSION for the officers of National assembly, viz: senate president, Deputy senate president, speaker and deputy speaker. 3.NON-FINACIAL AUTONOMY OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT COUNCILS. Nigerian's wish to notify National assembly that chapter 2, section 14 (a) SOVERENIGNTY BELONGS TO THE POEPLE OF NIGERIA FROM WHOM GOVERNMENT THROUGH THIS CONSTITUTION DERIVES ALL IT'S POWERS & AUTHORITHY. National Assembly do you adequetaly and rightfully consulted Nigerians???